What to expect
Your Child's First Dental Visit
The dental check up involves much more than checking the teeth, it is a detailed examination that also checks the gums, lips, inside of the mouth and alignment of teeth and jaw. Hence the earlier a child visits the dentist, the better it is for early detection of dental issues so that any treatment needed is provided swiftly before they become significant.
The first dental visit leaves a long lasting impression and sets your child up for future appointments. When your child visits us for the first time - whether for check up or emergency care, we will make every effort for it to be an easy and enjoyable milestone. Any visits thereafter will also be a positive experience so that your child can continue to build trust and confidence.
It is a great privilege and very rewarding to work with young children and teenagers. Our dentists and staff look forward to meeting your child and family for the first time and hope that you will find a reliable dental home in us.